In today's blog I will be discussing the current development of my Alpha game, so far I have an 'Introduction' scene and a level that follows one characters' journey from start to end. My game is slowly beginning to get to where it should be. I have recently created an 'Ending' scene to this level also. I will discuss the challenges I faced creating this 'Alpha' game, what worked and didn't work! Issues include; the 'Start' button not appearing or functioning and and the scenes not building or playing in sequence. When I go into 'play' mode, the scenes don't appear in the correct sequence. However, all the dialogue and interactions between the characters are completed for this level, through the use flowcharts. I will include screenshots of my flowcharts, below. I am hoping to create at least three levels for this game but in order to do this, I will need to solve the technical problems above. On completion of the development...