
Showing posts from 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

In today's blog I will be discussing what Unity tutorials that I will be looking at and following to help guide me in the development of my own game. I will look up some tutorials that are relevant to my game. They will help me with any issues that I'm currently having or if i want to implement any new features into my game. The first thing that I will do id look up what tutorials are available and my perhaps help me out too. I found this particular tutorial to be quite helpful:  This was a good tutorial for me to follow because it really helped me out with the current issue that I'm having with my game. My problem is this, I'm unable to figure how to order each of my scenes in a sequence. For example, I want my home screen scene to appear first and my ending screen scene to appear last. his tutorial follows a series on YouTube where it outlines how I would go about doing this for my game. Overall this helped me out big time and I feel be...

Games Testing

In today's blog I will be discussing the article, " Giving Criticism – the good, the bad, and the ugly!  ". The article starts off with stating that most people don't know how to give good constructive criticism which, may be the case. It suggests that when giving constructive criticism most people will say that they 'like it!' when they are actually feeling completely indifferent on the inside.  Perhaps this is because people would rather be polite rather than be honest and give constructive feedback.  The article then goes on discussing what constructive feedback is and why it necessary.  It's necessary to give good quality constructive feedback to people because it enables them to know whats working and what isn't. If constructive feedback wasn't given then people could produce something that is completely wrong and in turn wastes a lot of time. The article states that " Constructive criticism can also keep feelings from being hurt by foc...


In today's blog I will be discussing the current development of my Alpha game, so far I have an 'Introduction' scene and a level that follows one characters' journey from start to end. My game is slowly beginning to get to where it should be. I have recently created an 'Ending' scene to this level also. I will discuss the challenges I faced creating this 'Alpha' game, what worked and didn't work! Issues include; the 'Start' button not appearing or functioning and and the scenes not building or playing in sequence. When I go into 'play' mode, the scenes don't appear in the correct sequence. However, all the dialogue and interactions between the characters are completed for this level, through the use flowcharts. I will include screenshots of my flowcharts, below. I am hoping to create at least three levels for this game but in order to do this, I will need to solve the technical problems above. On completion of  the development...

Tech Task Week 9: Twitter

Hey Guys, Welcome back to my blog !  I'm back on twitter again today and it was the first time I used hashtags. It was pretty fun because when I clicked on my hashtag it would show me other people who used the same hashtag as me which is awesome. My tweet is about how I'm currently feeling about my game so enjoy ! Screenshot of my Twitter post Sources; My own image

Unity Free Tutorials

In this blog post I will be discussing what tutorials that I followed to help me implement new elements into my game. So I thought to myself, what features does my game require that I'm unsure how I would go about incorporating them into my game? Well I know last week I discussed about using a game timer in my game on the puzzle questions. I thought that my game would need to have a music playing backing track for my game. So, I looked up tutorials online on how to add music into my game. I also had to find and choose the right type of music for my game because the music must suit the scene as well as attempting to evoke a certain type of mood in the player. Here is the tutorial that I found on YouTube:  I found this tutorial to be very helpful in guiding me to have a music backing track in my game. I now have a music backing track in my game and also in the my introduction scene too. I chose to use a specific music track clip because I felt that this suited my themed level...

Games Stories

In Today's blog post I will be discussing the reading, 'A Practical Guide to A Hero's Journey' . It's about looking at how a hero's journey can shape the narrative of a game. The readings this week focuses on games stories and why narrative is important. In this article we looked at the value of myths,  within what society teaches us about ourselves, morals and how we should behave and act. Throughout history myths and stories have been used to encourage tribes and communities to be brave while hunting and fighting, and to believe that their deaths during war are good for the survival of their comrades. The article states the following:  Myths give us our sense of personal identity, answering the question, "Who am I?" Myths make possible our sense of community. We are thinking mythically when we show loyalty to our town our nation or our team. Loyalties to our friends or community are the result of strong myths that reinforce social bonding. ...

First Playable

Hey Guys!, Feeling Time Pressured Sources; Google images ; For today's blog I will be discussing my progress with the development of my game. Unfortunately I'm behind because I was busy doing other assignments all week and week end. The deadline for the group project is for today too. Therefore I haven't made much progress on my game. I have worked on it since the last blog but I'm still at the early stages of its development.         I hope that by the next blog regarding its development I will be much further along and I will be able to show you many screenshots displaying its design and functionality. I am having some difficulties with it such as getting it to work and show up in the game play mode. As I'm behind I hope that my game will be good enough to be finished in time. I can't wait to show you my progress when it's good enough to be showed.  (Update) I have made some good progress with my game so far. I have an intro scene screen and a...

week 8 Progress

In today's blog I will be discussing how happy or unhappy I am with the progress that I have currently been making in this module. I will go through how I'm handling this module and how I manage to get everything done efficiently and effectively. At the moment I think that I'm getting along quite well in regards to my current points that I have attained by participating in this module. So far if I keep going at the pace that I'm going with my points I will achieve 378 pints total and that means that I will receive a A and I can finish early too.           I'm on track to finishing early because I have done every blog post necessary as well as extra credit which, I did in my spare time. If we're talking about my progress with my game, then it wouldn't be as positive. This is because I simply don't have enough time or energy to work on it most of the time. There is a lot of assignments to do and sometimes they are due all at once. It can be tr...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

In this blog I will be discussing comments and feedback that I have received so far and the comments on feedback that I have given. I will go through the quality of the feedback that I have received and the feedback that I have given to other students. I will also discuss my opinion on the feedback tasks that I have done so far as well.  Feedback In: I would say that overall I would rate the feedback that I received from the other students as quite good and highly rated. I get quite a good amount of comments on the majority of posts and the quality of those comments are good and helpful. I find that the comments that are the most useful would be the ones where you read them and you can tell straight away that they actually read my entire blog post and they didn't just skim through it or relied on what other people said and rehashed what they said but wrote it in a different way. The comments that are the most helpful for me personally is when th...

Week 8 Reading & Writing

This week we had to reflect on how the reading and writing tasks have been going for us. Overall they have been going very well for me. I find them to interesting and easy to do. I never find the reading and writing tasks difficult but I do find them time consuming. I dislike that it takes me a while to write up one blog post for the reading and writing task for each week because I already have a lot of work to do every day therefore, it can become overwhelming at times to get the blog post finished in time.            So far I found reading through articles about developing games to be quite interesting and relevant to this module. I feel that those type of readings are quite informative because I gain a better understanding of the topic and I can apply what I learn to the creating and development of my game. I also enjoyed reading the 'mindfulness' articles and the 'growth mindset' readings. I found these to be interesting to read about because...


Welcome back to my blog!, So I have finally started building my prototype for my game and at first I was really excited to finally begin making some progress. Unfortunately I went to go and download the 'Fungus Plugin' from the asset store and I did that and everything went perfectly fine. I thought that it would be easier for me to use the Unity Tutorials project scenes as my guide for beginning my prototype because I didn't have much time to do this. When I opened up the 'Fungus Plugin' in Unity and I clicked on a folder and I drop an asset into my scene, it deleted my entire scene and everything that was in it. I'm not sure what to do, should I try to restore it by windows restore? I tried exiting Unity all together without 'saving' on purpose and then open the previous version. It didn't work, on opening the file again, the scene was empty. My progress from my previous Unity Tutorials was gone as well as any progress I had made on my prototype....

Unity Free Tutorials

Unity Technologies Logo Sources; Google Images This week I will be discussing different unity tutorials that I watched in relation to my project. I did this because I felt that it would help guide me in my progress during creating my game and implementing different features and elements. This week we were asked to watch any Unity tutorial that would help us with creating our game for our  project. For this week I watched the following: Sources; YouTube I found that after I watched this tutorial I felt, that I had a better understanding of how to implement a game 'timer', in my game. I looked up this specific tutorial because I want to implement a timer in my game when players are on 'hard' mode' which, is directed at the higher up age category demographic that I'm shooting for. I found this tutorial really helpful and I feel confident enough to now implement a game timer in my game on a specific game mode. The voice over was spoken very clearly an...

Game Fun

Welcome back to my blog!, In today's blog I will discussing my thoughts after reading through the articles for this week. This weeks reading is about "fun" being just another word for "learning". You can find the article here . This article focuses on why those aspects are fun.   The article lists and describes different types of fun, here are some of them: Sensation:   Games can engage the senses directly.This   includes physical movement (good for building muscle) and looking at and hearing things that are interesting (good for detecting opportunities or dangers). Fantasy: allows the kind of “what-if” scenario part of our brain to get stronger, allowing us to come up with novel ideas. Narrative:  This is useful for passing on vital information and experience to others in your group, increasing the chance that  all  of you will survive.# Challenge:  This is a convenient way for different humans to show dominance over one anot...

Final Game Design Document

I have completed my final GDD (Game Design Document). My previous GDD didn't have enough detailed information in it where I would be able to hand it over to games developer and programmer. It would have not been enough information for my game to be produced and made the way that I wanted. Therefore I updated my DunDoc . All of the required information for my game will be in my GDD DunDoc. There is now a game architecture feature in my GDD as well as any other information that was needed. Screenshot of my DunDoc GDD

Unity Tutorial 5

Welcome back to my blog!, "Can't add script behavior levelreset. The script needs to derive from monobehavior!". The only issues that I had this week with Unity was the fact that #c visual studio was not working for me. I have absolutely no idea why. My code is an exact match to the one in the tutorial that I watched by Jimmy Vegas and yet, it still throws up this error every time I want to apply the script to a scene onto a object. By the end I realized that without this, my game is quite behind in terms of #c. I have it all done but I cannot apply the #c to anything because this error keeps popping up. I followed the tutorial exactly and I'm at a loss on this.           Although everything else has be done properly for this weeks unity tutorial. I found he tutorial is be very engaging and informative to watch. I just wish that I had gotten my #c working properly by now. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed following along with this tut...

Games Decisions

Welcome Back!, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the article, " Decision-making and flow theory ". I found it to be a very interesting and informative read. The reading for this week is about the interactivity between players and systems that sets games apart from most other traditional media. This articles discusses decision making and flow theory for games. By being a systems designer for games, you will have to deal with these when creating a game.             The  article that I read was called, ' Cozy Games ', by Daniel Cook. The article that I read  for this week was written for an audience of interaction designers to explain what productivity applications can learn from games. During the course of this process, it also happens to touch on some core concepts of game design and the nature of 'fun', which is one of the topics that we will discuss. After reading this article, I  discovered that 'coziness' refers to how strongly a game evokes...

Game Design Document

I used  'DunDoc' to create my 'GDD' (Game Design Document) for my game project and it was a very helpful way to organize my thoughts and ideas for my game idea visually. I felt that visually expressing my game was indescribably useful and effective to me.           In my 'DunDoc' 'GDD' , you will find all the information that I am thinking on to design my game. You will discover information on the design elements, characters information and various game elements etc. I hope that by doing this that it will give you a better understanding of what my overall game idea will look like. My GDD (Screenshot)

Tech Task: New Blog Background Style

Hey!, So I decided to change the background theme and style for my blog because I felt like it was time for a change of look. I feel like it makes the blog appear much brighter and makes it much more attractive because before it was quite dark. Although the background doesn't really suit the season that we're currently in I still prefer this because it's bright and welcoming and not dull and dark.      Let me know what you think of the new look!     Thanks! Until next time!.....

Unity Tutorial 04

My progress when working in Unity. (Image is my own screenshot) Welcome back to my blog, In today's blog I will be discussing the Unity Tutorial for week 5. I will go through how I did every step and How I managed it and if I found the tutorial informative or tricky to grasp. So the tutorial starts off with  creating new UI elements on the surface of the sheet. I ended up making a cursor that has a center dot in the middle and four long rectangular looking shapes surrounding the main center circle cursor. After I made this in Unity I then tested to see if it worked by playing it in the 'world' itself. It ended up looking like a pretty typical game cursor. I found it quite easy to do this step.               Unfortunately I found the next step much harder not because I didn't understand what I was doing but, because it kept giving me errors in the C# script and I still have no clue why. I had to apply an element to the diamond in C# sc...

Games GDD

Welcome back to my blog!, The articles that I'm going to be discussing today are Design Considerations by 'Greg Aleknevicus', Prototyping and Generating Ideas . These articles discuss what publishers themselves can do to improve upon a game that does involve spending money on that maybe on things that may be worth it in the long-run. The article states that it is important to show the designers where the game is going. They must give a brief outline of what the designer is planning on doing with their game as they develop it further. They must discuss what their game will look like and it's about getting the main idea of the game across.            " A   prototype is an early sample, model, or release of a product built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. It is a term used in a variety of contexts, including semantics, design, electronics, and software programming" . In this particula...