Technology Tools Post
Technology Tools:
I am quite familiar with some of the technology tools. I already know about blogging and the bookmarks bar. I didn't know that you could make a folder in the bookmarks bar browser. I was unaware that you could use a bookmarking tool like, 'Diigo'. I have used the Pinterest app for many different modules before from last year and I find it amazing to use if your looking for inspiration. It's for having a handy resource available of everything that you pinned too. I have used free and basic image editors before and I find them very helpful when I need to use a certain image but the size of the image is wrong. I would re-size the image without altering the quality of the image in the image editor program. I have never made my own graphics using a program like, canvas before. I have heard of these type of programs that you can use to create your own graphics but I have never used them. 'Padlt' and 'Unity3D' I have never used or heard of before until now.
The online environment is a new experience to me when it comes to this module because although I have been using an online environment when it comes to some of my modules, they are not entirely online based. It's not entirely new to me either because some of my modules were purely online based for certain tasks or assignments. I want to gain a better understanding on how to use such programs as Dreamweaver, illustrator, in-design etc. While I am familiar on how to use to use these programs I feel like I need to become more knowledgeable on how to use them more efficiently.
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