Unity Tutorial 03

In today's blog I will be discussing the 'Unity Tutorial 03', that I went through today. The tutorial that I followed along with was quite different to the last few ones that I followed. he previous ones were video tutorials narrated by 'Jimmy Vegas', while this weeks tutorial was written instructions outlining each individual step. I found the video tutorials by Jimmy Vegas were much  more helpful than the written instruction ones because I found it much easier to follow and to understand. I feel that for this particular tutorial I much prefer the video over the written instructions because I can see exactly what is being done at each step and if I don't understand the terminology that is being used, I can still visually see what is being done. At times I was confused exactly what had to be done and this resulted in a lot of time being spent trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.
            For this weeks tutorial I started by creating a clock in Unity. I began by making a cylinder to help me to create the face of the clock. I had to make the clock face flat which I did by, reducing the Y component to 0.1 and X and Z components increased to 10. Then I created the indicators on the clock face. I created 3-D cube shapes and changed the scale to (0.5,0.2 and 1). Then I changed the colour of the indicator to black. The indicator was then placed on the clock and then the angle was changed on the Y-axis so that it looks right. Then I had to copy and paste more indicators, changing each angle by 30 degrees each time until you have done 12.
            To create the clock arms, I had to create a 3-D object, which was a cube shape. Then I changed its scale to (0.3,0.2 and 2.5) and then I positioned it correctly on the face of the clock while making the clock hand narrower than the indicators one. A pivot point was then created for the arm. This was also done to the smaller clock hand but with a scale difference of (0.1,0.1 and 5).  We also had to go into more depth into the coding side of it in order to make the clock arms rotate. I found this part of the tutorial particularly tricky. The instructions for this step were not easy to follow and quite confusing. I didn't like having to to write out the code only to be told to then delete it and put in different code.
         Overall I enjoyed the tutorial this week but I definitely prefer the video tutorials by 'Jimmy Vegas'.

Screenshot from the Unity Tutorial


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