Growth Mindset Post

Growth Mindset:

I have never heard of 'Carol Dwek' before until now. I have heard of 'Growth Mindset' before though. I learned about this from watching her Ted Talk about 'the power of believing that you can improve'. I would have to say that I would be a bit of both sometimes when it comes to where I am on the fixed  mindset spectrum and the mindset spectrum. Honesty I would probably dabble into both. Now that doesn't mean its fifty fifty all the time but I would label myself as fully only one of the those two either. I would have to say that if I was talking about this from a travelling or baking perspective which, are things I enjoy doing then I would be more on the growth mindset spectrum because I enjoy these activities and I feel less pressure and stress over them... well most of the time. I'd say it depends on what activity or school or college situation that your talking about because you could be either or depending on the situation because it can be a broad situation. 
           I've learned that my own learning style can vary depending on many things. Usually I want to get things done as soon as possible so I don't have to do everything at the last moment and become very stressed out. I'd say I naturally push myself or I keep on reminding myself to do certain learning tasks for college because I can't forgot not to do them on time. I say I can be very focused when it comes to my studies.I believe that I will be interested in learning more about 'Growth Mindset' this semester as I have so far have found it quite intriguing.   
             I'm worried about the web design module as my HTML skills are quite limited in what I'm able to do. It's a module that I know I will struggle with. After understanding more about 'growth mindset' and 'fixed mindset', I feel that I have a better understanding and knowledge that I can apply to this and other modules that I may find difficult and alter my mindsets on them.
Image result for growth mindset memes
This is an image representing growth mindset that is free to use.



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