Time Strategies

Time Management Strategies:

I found that it was never very useful for me personally to have a scheduled timetable of when I was going to study or do certain assignments or tasks. I could just never stick to them for multiple reasons. I found it much easier to have a checklist of what I needed to complete and by when I needed to complete it. I managed my time by doing different assignments or tasks from different modules on the same day. So I would say I need to complete the lab for web design by today and that will take me roughly two hours to finish and submit and then once that finished I would go onto what was due first and what would take up most of my time to finish and break it up into sections so i'm not tiring myself out trying to get it done all in one day. I would always try to not leave anything to the last minute to complete because the quality of the task would go way down and it would stress me out doing that. As Matt Mayberry from entrepreneur.com says:
A quote

I took this quote from the "Increase your creative output with 14 time management tips just for creatives!" article about time management. For this class I'd say it's good to note down what what days you will be completing these tasks and do it realistically because otherwise you will never stick to it. It's a good idea that when your not busy to get ahead and complete tasks days before they are due to close because it's easier on yourself to get ahead and finish up other assignments from other modules that you may have. 
               I have always struggled with procrastinating not when it comes to completing tasks on time but when it comes to studying because I always found it to be a tedious thing to do. I found this article very helpful wen it comes to this: 'How to beat Procrastination'. It gives you simple steps to take to avoid procrastinating in the future.
            I found these articles very useful to me because I can relate to them very well and I would actually take on board their points for helping me with these problems that I may face. I learned that when it comes to procrastination that I could give myself a reward if I complete the task that I was supposed to do. This may motivate me to get things done more quickly and effectively. My biggest challenges would be not giving myself enough time to get assignments done correctly because your're given these assignments to do and labs and it can become overwhelming at times because there is so much to do at once. I think allocating set times times and organizing my timing better may help me out when it comes to this stage. At the moment I try to get things done ahead of time so when I suddenly have a lot to do by a certain date and time the other stuff is already finished. This works sometimes but not all the time.

Image result for time management
Productive Time management image


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